Live Event

How to Fight Procrastination
Procrastination = putting off tasks and responsibilities pathologically

Do you have problem starting new task? Do you put off tasks that you would like to work on?

Date: March 1st, 2016
Time: Starting at 12 AM - Duration 2,5 h
Place: Impact Hub King's Cross - 34b York Way, London N1 9AB
Capacity: 15/15 registered
Price: £45

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Do you have a problem with putting things off?

Has it ever happened to you that you can’t force yourself to start an important activity? Can’t you resist temptations that draw you away from work? How often are you doing things at the last minute? We have prepared a workshop that will help you to learn how to fight procrastination - intentionally postponing tasks and responsibilities.


If you have ever had trouble persuading yourself to do the things you should do or would like to do, you have experienced procrastination. Learning how to overcome it is, therefore, one of the most important skills you can master in these days.


One of the main causes of our inefficiency and procrastination is a weak willpower. The good news is that recent research shows that our willpower works like a muscle and can strengthen with further training. The stronger the willpower is, the more likely we will convince ourselves to start doing important things. Our hands-on workshop will provide you with the tools that will allow you to train your willpower and help you significantly reduce the amount of procrastination.

"Vision without action is a daydream,
action without vision is a nightmare."
- Japanese proverb

What exactly will you learn?

  • How does our brain works in terms of motivation and willpower?
  • How to overcome inherent and learned tendencies to inefficiencies and bad habits?
  • How to resist temptations that distract us from the essential?
  • How not to be a subject to excuses that we give ourselves?
  • How to start building positive habits and how to eliminate the bad ones?
  • How to manage time and tasks so that we achieve more things without getting tired?
  • How to learn to consciously leave our comfort zone and overcome our fears?


How will the workshop help you?

Results of studies clearly indicate that people who procrastinate less are more satisfied in their lives. It is easier for them to overcome life’s obstacles, have more successful relationships and are more efficient both at work or studies. One of the studies even states that such people are healthier and live longer.

"While we waste our time hesitating and postponing,
life is slipping away."
- Seneca


The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with comprehensive guidance on how to multiply their willpower and feel motivated in the long run and how to gradually eliminate procrastination.


Adela Schicker

Empowering leaders, teams, and businesses to reach their full potential. Adela provides companies with science-backed tools to increase performance, understanding, and well-being. With over 20 years of experience across four continents, she can help you maximize your team's potential. No buls*it, easy to understand, with examples from practice and valuable tools to start using right ahead.

Want to attend the event?

Price £45

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