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! SPOILER ALERT ! New Year's Resolutions do NOT work
Posted by Adela Plesnik SchickerNew Year's Resolutions do NOT work and here is why.

! SPOILER ALERT ! New Year's Resolutions do NOT work
We often fail our New Year's resolution despite our willingness and determination. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year's resolutions were successful. That means over half of the people who set a goal for the new year will fail! So do you give yourself some? How many times have you succeeded with your resolutions? Enter the nonjudgment zone and let us explain - New Year's Resolutions don't usually work for 5 simple reasons. Here's why. \xEF\xBF\xBD
New Year's resolutions don't work because they are usually driven by an external motivation, which means those resolutions differ from what YOU want. For example, do you really really want to lose 10 pounds? Is it this goal where you want to put your focus and all your energy? If so, go ahead and try hard to achieve it. However, we likely want to get better, thinner, and skinnier for someone else. That's when we have the wrong type of motivation. All your resolutions should go from the bottom of YOUR heart and you should genuinely want to.
If you have your personal vision and your vision has very little to do with your physical health, but all your New Year's Resolutions are only health-related - here's a problem. You might lack the motivation to keep your resolutions if that's something far from your personal vision.
Here's an example of when personal vision and New Year's Resolution go together:
Personal vision: My life purpose is to do good and genuinely enjoy what I do. I want to feel enriched by my personal and professional daily activities. I will always speak my truth and be careful, especially about my feelings. I always want to consider myself and my feelings before considering someone else's. I want to be kind and constantly work on my mental and physical health.
New Year's resolution: I want to eat more greens daily, as I have forgotten about my physical health these past months. I want to read at least 10 self-development books this year to help me with my mental health. I want to be strong and say "NO" to any extra tasks that I know I cannot handle within my work hours, as I appreciate the free time which I get to spend with my family.
Being ambitious - great, but... Another reason you do not stick up with your resolutions is that your goals are too big and, therefore, would take a long time to achieve. As humans, we are usually very impatient and want to get results as soon as possible. That's also because of this day and age where everything is way faster than it used to be. Try to split your goals into smaller and even smaller ones. That way, it might be easier to achieve them, and you might feel more motivated once you do. And no one says you cannot give yourself a new resolution throughout the year as well.
Another common reason is that you think about your resolutions only for the first month. Sometimes only for a week. Raise your hand if you are guilty. ✋ The thing is, you have the whole year, let alone your entire life. So if your resolution is about building new habits, it takes an average of 66 days. If you have ever heard, it takes 21 days, new research by Phillippa Lally, Ph.D., from University College London discredits the 21-day rule. The bottom line is that it takes quite a long time and dedication, and you must learn to be patient.
As simple as it sounds, one last and particular reason your New Year's Resolutions do not work is that you forget. While that may seem silly, we are human, and it is human to be easily distracted and forgetful. Writing down your resolutions helps you clarify what you want to achieve. It forces you to make decisions and be precise with your words. Moreover, it will help you track your accomplishments and how far you have gone.
Do you need help building your personal vision, or strengthen your self-discipline? Check out our comprehensive ONLINE COURSE, where you learn how to do so step-by-step.