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Book Launch: The End of Procrastination

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Petr Ludwig's talk at the launch of his book The End of Procrastination, which summarizes the core ideas of the book.

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Petr Ludwig is the founder and CEO of the company, which applies the latest scientific findings in neuroscience and behavioral economics to help individuals and companies in their growth. His core fields of interest are the purpose at work, value-based leadership, and critical thinking.

During his book The End of Procrastination launch, he covered the main ideas from the book talking about what science knows about why we postpone things and why we are indecisive and ineffective. How we can motivate ourselves so that we like what we’re doing, feel less stressed, and focus more. And how to avoid becoming a goal junkie―a highly achieving but never really satisfied person. Moreover, he describes his love for Japan and covers his path from publishing a book in the small state of the Czech Republic that has now become a bestseller with 12 translation and hundreds of thousands of copies sold worldwide.

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The book for people who are
serious about getting more done

The End of Procrastination, written by Petr Ludwig & Adela Schicker is dedicated to improving your long-term motivation and helping you get the most out of your life.

  • Over half a milion copies sold worldwide
  • Practical tools for immediate use
  • 100+ pictures to illustrate concepts
  • Based on over 120 scientific studies

Simple, science-based tools to stop procrastination

Based on the latest research, The End of Procrastination synthesizes over one hundred scientific studies to create a program that is based on the way our brains actually work.