Live Event

Sales Academy

Date: October 25th, 2017
Time: Starting at 6 PM - Duration 6 - 8:30 pm
Place: Halte 24/7 - 4284 De La Roche St, Montreal, QC H2J 3H9
Capacity: 10/15 registered
Price: $250

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English below

Comment convaincre, persuader et vendre vos idées?

Que ce soit pour négocier de nouveaux clients, inspirer nos équipes ou convaincre notre partenaire, nous avons tous besoin de vendre nos idées au quotidien. L'objectif de cette formation est d'acquérir des connaissances scientifiques sur les méthodes de persuasion et de prise de décision, des compétences de vente et négociation, pour ensuite les mettre en oeuvre via nos outils pratiques.

Au programme:

  • 25/10/17 : les émotions et les biais cognitifs qui nous poussent à prendre des décisions
  • 1/11/17: comment pitcher vos idées, vos produits et vous-même
  • 8/11/17: comment établir une relation de confiance et construire une conversation qui mènera à la vente
  • 15/11/17: motivation et état d'esprit d'un bon vendeur
  • 22/11/17: organisation, time-management et process a pour mission d'aider les individus et les entreprises à prendre de meilleures décisions en leur partageant des connaissances scientifiques issues de la neuroscience et de l'économie comportementale. Après avoir coaché plus de 150 000 personnes en Europe et avoir vendu plus de 120 000 exemplaires du livre "En Finir avec la Procrastination", a le plaisir d'organiser ses formations sur Montréal!

À la fin de la formation, chaque participant recevra son guide du bon vendeur personnalisé et un certificat.

When people hear the word “sales”, words like “complex”, “manipulative”, “challenging” and “unnecessary” pop into their heads. We do not usually like selling, but in reality, we all sell something: our ideas, products, or our services. High-quality sales and communication skills can open new doors for us, and not only in a certain business, but in our careers, as well.

The aim of this Academy is to teach participants how to improve their communication skills in a sales situation. It is built on the scientific knowledge and experience of professional salespeople turned lectors. It consists of 5 weeks x 2.5- 3-hour workshops aimed at creating and developing active team support, passing on new knowledge, training sales, and communication techniques and creating a space for sharing sales experience.


  • 25/10/17: Understanding our emotions and cognitive biases that drive our decisions
  • 1/11/17: The best Sales pitch for your product/organization
  • 8/11/17: How to build rapport and lead a sales conversation
  • 15/11/17: Mindset and motivation of a good salesman
  • 22/11/17: Time-Management, processes, and sales funnel

You will learn HOW TO:

Motivate yourself to sell yourself and others. Build a corporate culture that fosters inner motivation and results. Increase your authenticity in communication and switch to a growth mindset. Quickly establish a relationship with a customer and people in general. Build your own sales pitch and present yourself. Actively listen to customers and resolve with unpleasant situations. Negotiate more effectively and improve your networking skills. Formulate customer needs and clarify your own objective. Sell more effectively and use closing questions. Communicate efficiently and make the most of it. Make better calls and prepare relevant call scripts.

The Sales Academy is designed for advanced and emerging merchants, direct sellers, small and medium-sized business owners, and freelancers. Each participant will receive working materials and a certificate at the end of the Academy.


Mathias Durand

Mathias is a coach and a motivational speaker. After many years in the corporate business and leading international teams, he believes that sales and leadership are two of the most important skills to learn and regularly improve throughout life. He’s now dedicating his time in Montreal teaching companies how to motivate, develop and support their teams. In his free time, you can find Mathias coaching a basketball team or reading books written by inspiring leaders.

Want to attend the event?

Price $250